
Falcon Kit


Age +13

The Sky’s the Limit with the Falcon

The cutting-edge Falcon Kit is the latest product in a series of educational friendly, but technically advanced kits to be designed, developed, and released in the United Arab Emirates by Ibtikar.

HardwareThe Ibtikar designed Arduino Mega Compatible Hat called the Falcon Hat, is compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3B+ and extends the platform using extra modules such as 9 DoF IMU, a barometer, extension ports exposed for ADC, I2C and UART interfaces.
SoftwareCustomised OS that is educationally friendly and comes ready for headless use (ie. no need for external monitor and keyboard) avoiding complex setup and lost time.
Market ValueCost effective as compared to market prices of individual components. Comes with the Raspberry Pi 3B+ and all the components you need to experiment with robotics and embedded systems.
How to Use GuideComes with an easy to follow, step-by-step instructions for assembly and use providing endless opportunities for technical creativity.

A Kit that Bridges the Arduino and Raspberry Pi Worlds

The cutting-edge Falcon Kit is the latest product in a series of educational friendly, but technically advanced kits to be designed, developed, and released in the United Arab Emirates by Ibtikar. The kit comes in a self-contained box with easy to follow, step-by-step instructions for assembly and use providing endless opportunities for technical creativity.

The ‘WOW’ factor in the Falcon Kit is the Ibtikar designed Arduino Mega Compatible  Hat called the Falcon Hat, which is compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ (referred to as Pi) and has been specifically designed to bridge the Arduino World and the Raspberry Pi World. The pairing of the two boards allows for the expansion of the Pi capabilities for more complex and varied projects.

The amazing thing about the Falcon Hat is how easy it is to use and the fact that it allows for connection with most Arduino Shields. This gives the user the ability to attach and control Arduino compatible sensors directly through the Pi using Python or any other high-level language, or through Arduino IDE as any normal Arduino product.

Falcon comes with a preconfigured operating system built and customised by Ibtikar. This OS has everything you need to start tinkering. No software is required to be installed on your PC; connect the Falcon to your PC, plug in the power supply and open a browser page (internet connection is not required) and access the Raspberry Pi desktop immediately.

The dynamic Falcon Hat is easy to use, is power efficient and has the added feature of accepting PPM input and providing 8 PWM output channels for motors and servos all of which provide endless opportunities to experiment and create with ease in a highly technical environment.

The fully functional Falcon Kit has components you could use to build your own quadcopter or RC car. It comes with a 9 DoF inertial measurement unit (IMU), a high-resolution barometer that senses altitude, extension ports exposed for ADC, I2C and UART interfaces for the addition of extra sensors and radios. All of which can be accessed either from the RPi or the Falcon (Arduino compatible). The board has a triple redundant power supply with overvoltage protection. The Falcon can be mounted on top of the Pi or side by side to give you more flexibility in your design.

Spread Your Wings and Fly with the Falcon

You Can do Anything you Need for Your Project

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